Agyemang running scared
Agyemang running scared

Posted in News on Mar 31, 2006.

In his first season at Chiefs Louis Agyemang seems to be fitting into his new surroundings at Chiefs, he has put in some outstanding performances for The Amakhosi.

He has not been fazed by which ever defence he has come up against so far. The Ghanaian striker has also fitted into life in Johannesburg and has adapted well. He spends most of his free time with either David Obua or Serge Djiehoua, in sampling the various cuisines around the city of gold.

There has been one thing that Louis has decided not to tackle and that is the Johannesburg traffic. Known to be a lover of fast cars in his home city of Accra in Ghana, Louis has stayed away from purchasing a car in Johannesburg. When questioned as to why he has not bought a car as yet - his quick reply is “the traffic in Johannesburg scares me, the roads are always busy and I just get cold feet when I think about driving around Johannesburg”.

Another factor that put him off from driving in the city of gold is the fact that in Ghana they drive on the right hand side of the road and in South Africa it is the opposite. Agyemang adds “I am just afraid, that one day I will climb on to a high way or a busy street on the opposite side of the road and that puts me off. In Ghana we drive on the other side of the road”

For now Agyemang says he prefers to move about with David Obua in his speedy German Sedan, and will some time in the near future attempt to master the roads of Johannesburg. Agyemang though is known for his love of fast cars and he has a few back home in Accra, which are currently maintained and used by his girlfriend Akoxa Akua.

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