Amakhosi begin global trek
Amakhosi begin global trek

Posted in News on Dec 24, 2005.

Friday saw a mass exodus of Amakhosi personnel leaving Johannesburg, to head off home or on holiday, as Chiefs contested their last game of 2005 against Black Leopards in Thoyandou.

Most of the foreign legion were first to head for the hills as David Obua and Serge Djiehoua left for their respective countries on early morning flights. For David Obua this is his first trip home since may this year and as the lanky defender explains he has one thing on his mind, “the last couple of months have been tough, all I want to do is get home and sleep for two days flat out”.

Serge Djiehoua though has been fortunate enough to have made a trip home in mid November and gets to travel back to the Ivory Coast for the second time in a month.

Players were not the only staff members heading for the departure hall at Johannesburg International on Friday, as the clubs German coaching trio of Ernst Middendorp assistant coach Frank Eullberg and goalkeeper coach Rainer Dinkelacker all left for Germany on Friday evening.

The Chiefs head coach Ernst Middendorp has not seen his family since the beginning of July when he took over the reigns as head coach and is looking forward to being with them over the holidays. “After so long you begin to long more for them, I will first have to answer a lot of their questions about the team and South Africa in general and than we will relax,” commented the Chiefs coach.

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