Chairman responds to Ferreira and Hunt
Chairman responds to Ferreira and Hunt

Posted in News on May 22, 2012.

"We note with dismay the comments made by Jose Ferreira, the COO of SuperSport United FC regarding the renewal of Vodacom’s sponsorship of Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates.

It is deeply regrettable that senior officials of a PSL team should resort to such provocative and ill-informed comments.

We fail to see how the renewal “hurts” South African soccer and on what basis can it be claimed that “South African football has been in trouble for the last 10 years”. The comments reflect a deep seated resentment and we are at a loss to understand what has motivated this in light of the tremendous strides that South Africa football has made over the last decade. The PSL today is regarded as being within the top 10 leagues in the world in terms of its financial strength, governance and administrative ability.

It is an irrefutable fact that since the inception of the PSL, Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates have jointly sacrificed tremendous financial gains in order to build up a premier league that is one of the best in the world and a truly South African achievement. The Clubs of the PSL have collectively benefited hugely from this both financially as well as through the technical and administrative support that the PSL has provided. This has only been possible because Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates, which account for over 60% of the soccer fan base in this country, made concessions in order to elevate the collective. Clubs such as SuperSport United FC have had a disproportionate benefit from these concessions, especially in light of the size of their fan base.

Over the years our sponsors have received substantial value and going forward they will continue to do so. It is in recognition of this that Vodacom has renewed its sponsorship with us. The quantum reflects the tremendous commitment and investment we have jointly made over the years in building the brand association. The new deal now sets the scene for bringing greater value and better connectivity to the fan base of the Clubs. Deals such as these are not easy to negotiate and conclude. They require intense research, analysis and planning and not least, sound commercial skills. By concluding a deal of this magnitude Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates have raised the bar, the halo effect of this will be felt by the wider soccer fraternity and in particular the teams in the PSL through the enhancement to their own rights' values. SuperSport United FC is therefore a beneficiary of this.

Indeed the fact that SuperSport, agreed to renew the PSL broadcasting rights deal for more than R2 billion is a testimony to the fact that the PSL is a bankable product. The value of this is shared equitably between all the teams in the PSL. Unfortunately it would seem that Mr Ferreira clearly has some misunderstanding in this regard and we have been assured by SuperSport, the parent company that this is not their view.

Pedigree cannot be bought or manufactured. Between them Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates have more than 110 years of Football history; SuperSport United FC has barely 15 years. Perhaps we need to appeal to colleagues Mr Ferreira and Mr Hunt to disabuse them of the misconception that brands and pedigree can simply be built in a short time, acquire a large fan base and thereby attract sizeable sponsorships. Mr Hunt should also be reminded that it is not just money that attracts players- but more importantly it is pedigree!"

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