Chiefs cheer up Bara
Chiefs cheer up Bara

Posted in News on Nov 27, 2009.

The Glamour Boys through ‘Reach for a Dream’ on Tuesday, 24 November visited the Oncology Unit at Baragwaneth Hospital that houses children with life threatening diseases.

Brand Manager, Dara Carroll who headed the delegation to one of Southern Africa’s biggest hospitals told that the visit to Bara was part of Club’s social responsibility programme aimed to make a difference to the community.

"We are approaching a season to give so when Reach for a Dream who are making the dreams and wishes of children with life threatening diseases called us we did not even think twice. The players were able to have lunch and played some games with the few kids. Those who were unable to join us for games, the players visited them in their wards to greet them," said Carroll.

Jeffrey Ntuka, one of the players who took time from his busy schedule to visit the kids described the experience as ‘humbling’.

"It was a humbling experience not only for me but for all the guys who visited Baragwaneth. It was great to see kids in that condition smiling and playing freely with the guys. We are lucky to have a Chairman, Mr. Motaung who is very humble and that through his vision we (as players) are able to visit these kids and encourage them not to give up. It is encouraging to see that most of them have hope to come out of this situation and I am sure many will make it," said Ntuka.

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