Chiefs goes for arbitration
Chiefs goes for arbitration

Posted in News on Sep 21, 2005.

Kaizer Chiefs remains committed to assist and contribute in the development and achievement of fairness and justice in the PSL and Safa ranks.

As a result, Kaizer Chiefs pursuance of this matter remains integral to this objective.

Kaizer Chiefs has achieved a reasonable measure of victory in this dispute given that the PSL, media and our football loving nation now recognize the importance and impact that the decisions of the internal tribunals of the PSL and Safa may have on the clubs.

We have referred the dispute for arbitration as we believe firstly, that the real threat to Kaizer Chiefs is the failure of the PSL Security to assume responsibility for its acts and omissions.

Secondly, the arbitration provides an opportunity to revisit the validity of the appointment of the DC as well as being able to consider all other factors that the Appeals Board could not consider as they were restricted by the Safa rules which required them to be limited to the record of the DC.

Thirdly, the suspended sentence is like an axe over our heads as crowd management challenges which generally emanate from Category A games have not been addressed.

There is still no direction or willingness on future enhancement of PSL crowd control measures especially where the PSL has the responsibility to provide security.

In other words, the implementation of the suspended sentence is not in our hands but with the PSL and this would mean that if the PSL security and the SAPS fail to do their job, Kaizer Chiefs would be blamed and the suspended sentence would then become operational.

On these basis, Kaizer Chiefs have resolved to exhaust the disciplinary procedure by going for arbitration where the matter would substantially receive a greater level of ventilation taking into account all factors including those that the Appeals Board could not consider.

It must be noted that the urgent High Court action undertaken by Kaizer Chiefs on Friday 16th September was to postpone the Sundowns game that was scheduled for Sunday 18th September and that is what the court ordered.

The High Court action is appropriate and acceptable in terms of Safa and Fifa rules for clubs to approach the High Court to seek urgent relief only.

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