Chiefs return from camp
Chiefs return from camp

Posted in News on Jul 20, 2015.

"The facilities were top notch," reflects Coach Steve Komphela. Chiefs returned from their preseason camp which took place at the Potchefstroom campus of the North West University on Thursday.

"We were looking for good fields and sufficient gym equipment, and we found all that at the campus' High Performance Centre," reports Komphela.

Chiefs share in a collaborative relationship with the university. "We also looked at meeting rooms but, there's one element that is often neglected, the human element," points Komphela.

"We got more than the infrastructure capability. The people were helpful and available to work with us," commends Komphela.

"It was a way of collecting info. Opening my mind for the players to read," adds Komphela. "We shared many meals and there’s no better interaction than in sharing a meal.

The team started the camp on the 10th July and wrapped up the camp where they lost on penalties to Mbabane Swallows in the King' Super Cup, in Swaziland, on Saturday, 18th.

"There's a lot that still has to be done. Everyday has its own dynamics," continues Komphela."Our strategy was to get there and integrate the players as a team. And address the questions in terms of the aspects of football that we will apply in the season."

"I saw in the players the people who are interested," enthuses Komphela. "It is good to work with engaging players. I observed with interest their understanding as they posed relevant questions."

"We are facing in the same direction," concludes Komphela. "The camaraderie in the team was strengthened at this camp."

At the post match interview of the King's Super Cup, Komphela indicated that Chiefs will be looking at playing two practice matches before they play in the much anticipated Carling Black Label Cup against their archrivals, Orlando Pirates on the 1st August.

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