Condolences: The late Mrs. Betty Nonyanga Tshakoane
Condolences: The late Mrs. Betty Nonyanga Tshakoane

Posted in News on Jan 21, 2005.

Dear Louis,

Condolences: The late Mrs. Betty Nonyanga Tshakoane

We received with shock the sad news of the passing away of your loving mother. We know how unbearable the pain for you and your family is at the moment and our hearts are with you. Suddenly we have lost a woman that gave birth to one of the finest football administrators of all times.

It is through the debris of this pain and hopelessness that we find strength and hope in our Creator, the Almighty God. Your loss is ours but we find solace in the knowledge that ‘God shall wipe away all tears’ one day and ‘there will be no more sorrows, no more tears and no more dying’ for those who die in the Lord.

Please accept our heartfelt condolences for this loss and kindly find comfort in the words of the Apostle Paul, II Timothy 4:7,8 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith and now there lies a crown for me, which God, the righteous judge will give to me on that day, not only to me but to all that love His second appearing”.

May her departed soul rest in peace and the Lord bless and keep you.

Yours truly,


Chairman & Managing Director

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