Development fixtures postponed
Development fixtures postponed

Posted in News on Apr 17, 2009.

Head of Development, Walter Steenbok has revealed to that fixtures for this weekend have been postponed.

The young Chiefs reported back to Shaft 17 on Monday after they were given time off for Easter holidays.

“We decided to postpone the fixtures as they were a few things to take care of before the start of the 2nd quarter,” said Steenbok.

Steenbok,who together with his colleagues, were given the responsibility to turn the development around revealed that a lot of ground has been covered and the Club is going to reap the rewards in the next couple of seasons.

“There is a lot of hard work that has gone through since we started with this process sometime last year. Credit should go again to the coaches and everyone in the Club for the dedication and vision. The programme for the this coming quarter will be determined by the tournaments that we will be participating in during this term.”

“We will be having meetings next week to look holistically (Technical and from the educational aspect) after we introduced a number of changes this year. For instance instead of the boys training twice a week they are now training four times a week, with a specialized talented programme for exceptional players every Sunday.

We want to see how the progressive loading and the frequent extend of training and competition has affected or impacted on their academic program,” he said adding that the development team will play a friendly match this week against the senior side.

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