Happy Birthday Kgopotse
Happy Birthday Kgopotse

Posted in News on Jan 28, 2010.

Stock Control Manager, David Kgopotse celebrated his birthday on Thursday, January 28, having been born ‘many, many years ago’ (David refused to give his age to kaizerchiefs.com).

The ever-smiling David was 'poached' from Technical Sponsors, Nike, as an easy-going, good-hearted gentleman who is always available to offer advice to those who are younger than him.

Alberto Ndeve, who in the past couple of months has been working close to David, described “Dave”, as he is affectionately known at the village, as a very humble guy.

“I ask God to bless him and his family. He must continue looking after himself. He has been very nice to me from day one. I wish him all the best in all that he endeavours in life,” said the shy Alberto.

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