I get a lot of help from my teammates - Parker
I get a lot of help from my teammates - Parker

Posted in News on Feb 05, 2014.

Man of the Match for the third time in the 2013/14 PSL season Bernard 'Hond' Parker has attributed his success to team work. 'Hond' insists that his accolades are all due to his teammates passing him and allowing him to play.

"I feel good after returning from an injury. I think we worked hard as the team. I personally gave 110% tonight. I tried to help at the back as well while not losing focus of going forward," said 'Hond'.

"We are working hard as a team. We are scoring from set plays as the result of the hard work we put in training. I wish we will score more goals together and achieve more accolades together," commented a visibly happy 'Hond'

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