Kaizer Chiefs Launch A Revamped Pre-school; Diana Davis
Kaizer Chiefs Launch A Revamped Pre-school; Diana Davis

Posted in News on Oct 06, 2012.

Ubuntu, the humanist philosophy focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other, was palpable and personified on Saturday 06 October 12 in Walmer Location, Port Elizabeth. Luthando Lukhwe, a Walmer Location born and bred, used part of his R1million winnings in the 2011 Carling Black Label sms competition to revamp his nursery school as a beneficiary.

A visibly elated and emotionally charged Luthando Lukhwe explained his feelings as exciting and indescribable. The soft spoken Luthando thanked Amakhosi and Carling Black Label for helping him to realise his dream to contribute to nation building which has been his childhood dream to uplift his community. The school Principal Nonqaba Lukwe who started working at the school as a cleaner in 1982 and became a principal in 1995 described the launch as a highlight of her career at the school that was established in 1961.

Kaizer Chiefs Marketing Director Jessica Motaung told kaizerchiefs.com that this project is a perfect fit with the Club’s Corporate Social Investment strategy. She paid a glowing tribute to Luthando for the choice he made to revamp the school. Jessica couldn’t hide her emotions when she alluded to the project as a fulfilling moment in a journey of hard work put together by dedicated people. The project was facilitated together with Access Management, the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium operators represented at the event by Rob Hichens.

Kaizer Chiefs Management, a select group of players and officials were present to facilitate the hand over process much to the delight of the community. The school children aged 3-6yrs were at their best when they rendered various entertaining acts. Amakhosi supporters’ branches from Botshabelo, Motherwell, Ezinyoka and Uitenhage didn’t disappoint as they came in their full regalia and at full song.

Coincidentally the event took place on a day that Kaizer Chiefs will be playing Bloemfontein Celtics at the World Cup Stadium named after Nelson Mandela, the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium. It was Madiba who once pronounced “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

The Love & Peace foresight of The Club Chairman Kaizer ‘Chincha Guluva’ Motaung continues to contribute to the society and such acts of love can only described by Leo F. Buscaglia ~ “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

In true spirit of Love & Peace, Amakhosi have left a legacy of giving in this beautiful community of Walmer.

Bravo! To Luthando Lukhwe

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