Mphahlele wishes Amakhosi a safe festive
Mphahlele wishes Amakhosi a safe festive

Posted in News, Team News on Dec 21, 2019.

“Festive time is a special time of celebrating and enjoying moments with families and friends,” says Ramahlwe ‘Rama’ Mphahlele. “This is one moment in the calendar where everyone pauses to reflect on the year’s events. Most importantly this is the time of joy and sharing.”

Regrettably this time is repeatedly marred by road accident fatalities and Rama is calling for thoughtful conduct on the roads.

“I wish to advise road users and pedestrians to adhere to the rules of the road,” stresses the Ga-Mphahlele born player. “it is depressing to listen to the death toll reports as a result of road accidents. One death is too many. One of the contributing factors among many is the abuse of alcohol. I wish to urge everyone to drink responsibly and most importantly to not drink and drive.”

Rama shares more pointers, “in any celebration caution is compulsory. There are campaigns and many other initiatives to highlight safety awareness on our roads. The Arrive Alive campaign is one such awareness campaign. At the end of the day, everyone must be responsible. We must use the roads carefully. The traffic policing can do so much, but if they don’t get cooperation from the public, the fatalities will continue to soil the festive period”.

In conclusion he says: “Pedestrians must avoid Jay-walking, wear bright coloured clothes so you can be visible from far and use pedestrian crossings. As for motorists, avoid speeding and take breaks on long distance trips.

“On behalf my teammates, we wish everyone a safe and arrive alive this festive period. We look forward to seeing all our supporters again next year.”

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2020.

Be safe!




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