Nale gives back to the community
Nale gives back to the community

Posted in News on Dec 29, 2011.

Abia Nale used the Christmas break the best way possible by giving back to his community in the Vaal where he was born and bred.

The good-hearted 25-year-old spent Christmas at Vukuzenzele Old Age Home in Zone 14 in Sebokeng where he had organised a lunch.

“I have always wanted to do something for my community and after speaking to the manager at Vukuzenzele I thought organising a Christmas Lunch for the old was the right thing to do. The old people there need to feel loved as some of them were dumped by their children and it was nice to spend time with them. I wanted to make Christmas special for them as it was when they were young,” said Nale speaking to

Nale, who is adored by many for his trickery also gave out presents to the differently abled children early this month at Tshenolo Multi Disabled Children; “Some parents hide children with disabilities and this bothered me and I thought I should organise them and encourage parents to embrace their children despite their challenges.

“I remember meeting one of the parents at Vaal Mall; he could not attend the event but expressed his gratitude for the initiative. He told me how happy he was that I was putting something back to the community.

Affectionately known in football circles as ‘Mkutuzi’ after Abia Nale confirmed establishing Abia Nale Foundation; “The foundation is not to benefit me anyway but those who are needy. It is about giving love and support those who are less fortunate.

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