Not a happy Easter for us
Not a happy Easter for us

Posted in News on Apr 09, 2007.

The unfortunate aspect about our 2-0 defeat at the hands of Black Leopards on Sunday meant that we were unable to enjoy the final day of the Easter Holiday, as the loss that should have been avoided put a dampener on our Easter Monday. I do feel that we let ourselves down with a below par performance against Leopards on Sunday afternoon, after a poor showing against Swallows the previous weekend we had worked hard on improving our performance. It did not happen and we did not put up enough of a fight against Leopards, the manner in which we lost the game was really disappointing.

If I have to pick the bones from Sunday’s defeat I would start off by saying that there was really no one particular area where we need to improve, ahead of our next game against Santos in two weeks time. What is needed is a vast improvement in all areas from the back to through midfield through to attack, we cannot make excuses when we lose instead we need to dig deep and see what needs to be done to make sure it does not happen again. After our draw with Swallows last week I was determined to ensure that we came out fighting, and put up a good showing for our fans against Leopards.

After a week in which we laboured really hard towards improving our fortunes, I really do not have many answers to why we failed to assert our authority on Sunday’s game. Our failure to win important battles in the midfield as well as be sure of ourselves in defence cost us the game, coupled with that we did not create enough goal scoring opportunities.

The chances that did come our way were few and far between and when we found ourselves with the opportunity of getting onto the score sheet, we squandered them and had to start over again. It really does not please me to read a match report only to find the writer lambasting our performance, in addition to taking us apart most of the scribes are of the opinion that we were lucky to lose by two goals. Let’s take a step forward where to from here for me there is a simple solution to our current dilemmas, I have been at the club for just about a month now. Since assuming the reigns I have always done things in consultation with my players, and have endeavoured to ensure that since I have come in mid season I will gradually change the tactical and technical approach of the team. I do feel that the time has come for us to have a major over haul of the way we have been doing things up until this point.

What I would like to see happen from here on inwards is that we conduct our training session and match preparation in the way that I feel will best benefit the team, our object at this point will be to begin paving the road for next season. We have four games to go for the current season and while the team as a unit cannot achieve any success this term, we can help a number of our guys pick up individual accolades. That can only happen if we work towards rectifying what ever has gone wrong for us recently, it starts with us looking towards the future and ensuring that we lay the foundation stones for what will be a strong future for the club.

I will conclude by saying that I do not enjoy seeing unhappy fans leaving the stadium, so we endeavour to make sure that our most important asset our supporters do feel that every time they leave the stadium that they have received full value for their money. Believe me there will be a lot of things different about the team the next time we run out onto the field, when we take on Santos in a fortnight be ready for a Chiefs revolution.

Kosta Papic

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