Official statement on the Pule saga
Official statement on the Pule saga

Posted in News on Jan 20, 2003.

Kaizer Chiefs has issued an official statement regarding Jabu Pule's alleged abduction of a 16-year-old girl and the club further distanced itself from comments made by PRO Putco Mafani regarding the matter.

Kaizer Chiefs Statement of Jabu Pule Incident - 21-01-03.

Kaizer Chiefs would like to comment on the above issue as follows:

  • The Kaizer Chiefs Institution is responsible for its players for so long as their actions are relevant to the game of Football and the Chiefs brand.

  • In the case of Jabu Pule vs. Tshegofatso Mokopi, we would like to distance ourselves from this case and feel that Jabu Pule as an adult man should be accountable for his actions.

  • We would also like to distance ourselves from the statements made by Putco Mafani on Radio Metro on Friday the 17th of January on Metro Sports Centre. His views, actions and statements were made in his personal capacity and not on behalf of Kaizer Chiefs Football Club.

  • Jabu's actions pertaining to the non-attendance of soccer training sessions will be dealt with in the strongest possible manner through an internal Disciplinary Committee.

  • Players' personal lives and actions can only be managed to a certain degree. Their extra mural activity is in their own hands and they are fully aware that the way they behave themselves in their personal lives can either make or break their future.

  • Playing for Kaizer Chiefs has its own demands. Being supported by so many people across the country guarantees that all their actions will be under the spotlight.

  • All Kaizer Chiefs Players are ambassadors of our brand and should conduct themselves in a respectable manner.

  • Putco was strongly reprimanded at today's (Tuesday) management meeting for his actions on Friday and he aplogised profusely to all of us.

    We concur fully with the chat board participant, Khoza1's views in that the case is sub judice and that it required no interference from our side.

    In conclusion we would like to apologise to our supporters/partners for the embarrassment and inconvenience the above incident has caused to them.

    Yes, we try to instill the right morals and standards within our team, but unfortunately it is impossible to control each and every player.

    Transgressions will come and go, but the strength of the Kaizer Chiefs brand lies in its loyal following.

    We would like everyone to know that we try at all times to act with integrity and trust and that at all times we believe in justice and honesty.

    Love and Peace!

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