Rolling with Dominic Isaacs
Rolling with Dominic Isaacs

Posted in News on Jan 06, 2012.


The first jersey number…


First boots…

It was a Puma boot and my father bought it for me.

The first pay cheque…

It was R2000, 00 and I gave most of it to my mother. I still do that even today – keep some for myself and give something to my mother.

The first kiss…

Now you going to get me into trouble (laughing)

The first car…

It was Nissan Saber back in 2001.


If you would invite four people for dinner in your house who would it be?

It would be my former Ajax Cape Town mates, Jeremiah Jansen, Shaun Oliver, Moeneeb Josephs and David Kennemeyer. There would be trouble here and I am sure we would laugh more than eating!

If you were not a footballer what would you be doing?

All I wanted to be growing up was to be a professional and I do not have an idea what I would have been if I had not played football!

If you would be given an opportunity to sign two players for Chiefs who would you go for?

I would sign Barcelona’s Lionel Messi and Chelsea’s Didier Drogba.


What do you get up to on your spare time?

I like to relax at home spend time with my family if I am in Cape Town and in Joburg as well I am always indoors.

Where is your favourite holiday destination?

Without a doubt, Cape Flats in Cape Town!

What is your favourite movie?

Movies are not really my thing and my fiancée always take me to the movies now and then so I enjoy watching what she likes.

What are you reading right now?

Newspapers to keep myself up to date with what is happening around.

What is playing on your car right now?

It is mostly DJ Kent, I like House Music.

Who is the best dresser at Chiefs?

I think all the guys at Chiefs look smart and I cannot single anyone. They dress differently some in shorts some formal. I like for instance to wear shorts and a shirt.

Who is your funniest teammate?

Thomas Sweswe! Every time I see him I always laugh because he always has something to say.

Where is your favourite hangout?


What three things people do not know about Dominic Isaacs?

What you see is what you get (laughing). I am an easy going person who likes to tease other people and enjoy company of people who like to make jokes. I am not a very good cooker but I can prepare a decent chicken fillet dish and of course Spaghetti Balomaise!

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