Unsporting behaviour
Unsporting behaviour

Posted in News on Sep 26, 2012.

In light of recent occurrences at the stadia around the world with regard to supporter’s behaviour, the Club would like to appeal to the Amakhosi faithful to avoid acts that are tantamount to unsporting behaviour. The team is working hard to display good football and to produce positive results on the playing field and the same is expected of the supporters on the stands to show their support by encouraging the players to perform to the best of their abilities.

We urge The Love and Peace fraternity to avoid:

Throwing missiles on the pitch

Booing players

Signalling at the coach to effect substitutions

We urge the Love and Peace community to uproot and isolate the perpetrators of such acts. The Club will continue to engage the Supporters Branches to teach and spread the message of educating the supporters in this regard.

Remember, Glory takes more than 90mins.

Continue to Reclaim the Glory with us!

Be the Voice behind your Team!

Amakhosi 4 Life!

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