Young guns impress Nhleko
Young guns impress Nhleko

Posted in News on Dec 29, 2010.

Amakhosi striker Nkosinathi Nhleko has said that the commitment and dedication shown by a number of the club's young players has impressed him.

He believes that if the current crop of the clubs younger generation continue on in the same way. the future for both them and the team looks very bright.

Speaking to on Wednesday, Nhleko said of the youth brigade at the club. “We have many young players in our squad. I can see them doing well because they are serious about their work and they are also willing to learn.

Players like George Lebese, Lucky Khune and others are always open to learn and are keen listeners as well.”

One young player's attitude both on and off the field have impressed Nhleko this season, that player being Knowledge Musona.

“Knowledge has done extremely well and has shown he is an all round striker. His goals have been fantastic, scoring with his head, from set pieces and close range.

That over head goal against Aces was brilliant.”

Nhleko while explaining the reasons behind the young Zimbabwean's success so far this season said, “You can see when you train with him and talk to him that Knowledge is here at Chiefs to work.

He is clearly focused and he has a good head on him, if he continues to labour in the same way he will have a fantastic future.”

Nhleko might not be playing much this season but does believe that given his experience he does have a mentoring role to play.

“When I first signed on as a professional with Jomo Cosmos about 12 years ago, Manuel Bucuane took me under his wing and guided me through my early years as a professional.

Having played for a number of clubs in different countries, I do perhaps have the experience to help some of the young players here at Chiefs.

If it is a role I have to fulfill then I will only be pleased to do so.

These youngsters have a lot of talent and with it both a good work ethic and the desire to do well.”

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