
Posted in General on Feb 22, 2017.

Amakhosi Family have, since the early days, organised themselves into branches and today there are over 500 branches across southern Africa. Branches are effectively the home from home for our supporters as they are in essence a social club where people who share a common interest and deep seated love for the team and meet and engage about their passion.

They meet officially on a monthly basis guided by an agenda and minutes. They develop plans for attending games, branch events and social activities, outreach programmes to other branches, raising funds for CSI activities. They also discuss Club related matters such as membership cards, fighting counterfeit and supporting KC Retail, KC Mobile, and KC Insurance. The Amakhosi Magazine, KCTV and the branch newsletters information is shared with all supporters at these forums and often debated in detail.

Members provide a vital supporting structure for each other and stand together through thick and thin, good and bad, happy or sad. A branch supported funeral is a totally unique and deeply respectful honour. Branches are run by passionate people who are elected to the various portfolio for a three year term. They give freely of their time and are not compensated for their effort and time in any way.

All Branches within a regional demarcation elect a representative structure who in turn elect a provincial committee. Each province has two seats on the National Executive Committee (NexCo) headed up by the National Strategic Advisor.

The NexCo 2018 strategic vision supports that of the club in terms of growing the support base across the full spectrum of our rainbow nation, improving game attendance as well as unifying the stadium experience – ‘with one voice’. Educations and capacity building within the structures are also key focus points which are addressed through leadership programmes as well as ensuring a gender balance at leadership levels.

If you want to become part of a branch please contact your provincial chairman or secretary who will be able to assist you with Love & Peace.


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