Posted in Terms and Conditions on Jul 17, 2024.
Toyota Cup 2024 Toyota Corolla Cross XI CVT Giveaway
Terms and Conditions (Ts & Cs)
1. The Toyota Cup 2024 Toyota Corolla Cross XI CVT Giveaway (“the Competition”) is organised jointly by Kaizer Chiefs (Pty) Ltd of Kaizer Chiefs Village, 5/6 Lena Road, Lenaron, Naturena, Johannesburg (“Kaizer Chiefs”) and Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd of Stand 1 Old Pretoria Main Road, Wesco Park, Sandton, 2146 (hereinafter referred to as “Toyota”) and its respective agencies, service providers and/or suppliers (collectively termed “the Promoters”).
2. The Competition will commence on 17 July 2024 (“the Commencement Date”) and will terminate at 12h00 on Saturday 27 July 2024 (“the Termination Date”) (“the Competition Period”). The Competition Period may be extended or curtailed at the sole and absolute discretion of the Promoters.
3. The Toyota Cup will be held on Sunday 28 July 2024 at Toyota Stadium, Bloemfontein (“the Match”).
4. To enter the Competition (and to qualify to be selected for the Grand Prize Draw), a person is required to enter by submitting certain specified information (see Point 7 below) by SMS to short code number 48952 and must meet the Qualifying Criteria (“Entrant”). NOTE: This SMS number is a premium-rated SMS charged at R1.50 per entry and free SMS do not apply.
5. The Competition will culminate in five (5) Entrants being randomly selected at the Match to participate in the final draw to be held at half time of the Match, to win a Toyota Corolla Cross XI CVT, (“Grand Prizer Draw”).
6. All Entrants will be eligible to participate in the Competition and will be considered for the Grand Prize Draw to be held at the Match PROVIDED they meet all the entry requirements as specified in Point 7.
7. For an Entrant to qualify for the Grand Prize Draw, the Entrant must:
7.1 be a natural person over the age of eighteen (18) years of age;
7.2 be a South African citizen permanently resident in South Africa and in possession of a valid South African Identity document or card;
7.3 purchase from a Ticketpro outlet and be in possession of a Match ticket for the Toyota Cup to be held on 28 July 2024 (“Match Ticket”);
7.4 must attend the Match and should their name be drawn to participate in the Grand Prize Draw at half time of the Match, as announced by the stadium announcer over the stadium public address system, the Entrant must present themselves at a designated meeting point within the required time period, as advised by the stadium announcer and present his/her South African identity book/card and Match Ticket to the Competition organisers for verification. Failure to meet all these requirements will result in the Entrant being disqualified from participating in the Grand Prize Draw;
7.5 enter the Competition through submitting by SMS to the designated premium rated short code number 48952 (“Designated SMS Number”), the following information (“Entry Information”):
7.5.1 your first name followed by your surname;
7.5.2 your South African identity number;
7.5.3 the unique Match Ticket number as appears on the Match Ticket your have purchased (NOT the seat number); and
7.5.4 the province in which you reside.
The Entry Information must be submitted to the Designated SMS Number in the following format: First name and surname, ID number, Toyota Cup Match Ticket number, Province in which you reside (eg John Doe, 9805240050087, 56734, Gauteng).
(“Qualifying Criteria”)
8. The Competition will afford Entrants the opportunity to participate in the Grand Prize Draw (see Point 13) to win one of the following:
8.1 a new Toyota Corolla Cross XI CVT (“Grand Prize”);
8.2 one (1) of four (4) Kaizer Chiefs’ merchandise hampers each worth R2,500.00 for each of the runners up (“Grand Prize Runner-up Prize”).
(“the Prizes”)
9. The following persons are excluded from participating in the Competition:
9.1 persons below the age of eighteen (18) years;
9.2 persons who have not satisfied the Qualifying Criteria;
9.3 legal persons of any nature whatsoever;
9.4 any shareholder, director, employee, independent contractor, consultant, agent, supplier, service provider of either Kaizer Chiefs or Toyota and their immediate family members, life partners, business partners and associates and any person involved, directly or indirectly, in any aspect of this Competition;
9.5 Entries submitted via sim cards used in routers will be excluded from the Competition.
10. By entering the Competition, all Entrants and eventual prize winners agree to be bound by these Ts & Cs which will be interpreted by the Promoters in their sole and absolute discretion. The Promoters’ decision regarding any query or dispute shall be final and binding and no correspondence shall be entered into regarding any decision by the Promoters. The Promoters reserve the right to amend, modify, change, postpone, suspend or cancel this Competition and the award of any Prizes, or any aspect thereof, without notice at any time and for any reason that the Promoters reasonably deem necessary.
11. An Entrant will not be eligible to win the Grand Prize if they have won a vehicle from Toyota or any of its dealers in the last five (5) years, determined from the date of the Grand Prize Draw.
12. Should an Entrant no longer wish to continue to participate in the Competition for any reason, they may terminate participation in the Competition upon submission of written notice to that effect, sent to the Promotors on email address
13. Competition entry mechanics
13.1 Provided an Entrant meets the Qualifying Criteria specified in Points 7.1 to 7.5, an Entrant shall automatically be entered into the Competition and qualify to be randomly selected for the Grand Prize Draw.
13.2 An Entrant will receive one (1) Competition entry per each SMS sent to the Designated SMS number and received by the Promotors.
13.3 Five (5) Entrants will be randomly drawn at the Match to participate in the Grand Prize Draw which will take place at half time of the Match (“Selected Entrant”).
13.4 The Promotors will randomly select five (5) Selected Entrants, through an electronic automated selection process, prior to the commencement of the Match and will announce the names of the randomly drawn Selected Entrants over the public address system at the Stadium, advising the Selected Entrants to present themselves at a designated meeting point at the Stadium within a designated time period. Failure to meet these requirements will render the Selected Entrant’s entry invalid;
13.5 Should a Selected Entrant fail to present themselves at the designated meeting point at the Stadium within the required time period, they will be disqualified and a replacement random draw will be conducted and the process followed until five (5) Selected Entrants have been identified, have presented themselves at the designated meeting point at the Stadium within the required time period and have each been personally verified through the following verification process carried out by the Promotors to ensure compliance with these Ts & Cs and the relevant provisions of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (“Verification Process”):
13.5.1 that the Selected Entrant holds a valid original South African identity document or card;
13.5.2 verify the Selected Entrant against his/her original South African identity document or card;
13.5.3 that the Selected Entrant has a valid and original Match Ticket and that the number of the Match Ticket corresponds to the Match Ticket number submitted through his/her Competition entry;
13.5.4 the Promotors may use any other verification method deemed necessary and appropriate by the Promotors to achieve the objective of verifying the identity of the Selected Entrant.
13.5.5 Selected Entrants only qualify for the Grand Prize Draw once the Verification Process has been successfully completed to the satisfaction of the Promotors, including the verification that the Selected Entrants each satisfy the requirements to be a Qualifying Criteria. In the event of the verification process not being successful, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Promoters, such Entrant will be immediately disqualified and the draw of a new Selected Entrant shall take place.
13.5.6 The five Selected Entrants, so verified, will qualify to participate in the draw for the Grand Prize which will take place on the field at half-time of the Match (“Grand Prize Draw”).
13.6 The Grand Prize Draw mechanics:
13.6.1 Each of the five (5) Selected Entrants will randomly draw a number between one (1) and five (5) out of a bag, which will determine the sequence each Selected Entrant will randomly draw a car key to the Grand Prize out of a bag and attempt to unlock the Grand Prize. The sequence in which the selected Entrants will be entitled to randomly draw a car key will run from drawn numbers one (1) to (5).
13.6.2 The first Selected Entrant whose selected car key unlocks the Grand Prize will be the winner of the Grand Prize.
13.6.3 The remaining four (4) Entrants will each receive a Grand Prize Runner-up Prize.
14. Each Selected Entrant and prize winner will be required to complete and sign an acceptance of prize and indemnity agreement (“Acceptance Agreement”).
15. The Selected Entrant selection process detailed in Point 13 and the signing of the Acceptance Agreement, shall be verified by an independent Attorney or Accountant appointed by the Promotor.
16. Toyota reserves the right to choose the colour of the Grand Prize.
17. The Grand Prize cannot be exchanged for any other vehicle model within the range and the winner does not have the right to change the colour and/or spec of the vehicle.
18. The Grand Prize does not include insurance on the vehicle nor does it include any extras such as fuel and additional accessories.
19. All prizes are awarded at the discretion of the Promoter. The Promotor reserves the right, at its own discretion, to substitute any prize with any other prize of comparable commercial value should the prizes listed above become unavailable.
20. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash.
21. The Competition results will be communicated to all Entrants via SMS and via Kaizer Chiefs’ Twitter, Facebook and Instagram social media accounts.
22. Neither the Grand Prize nor the Grand Prize Runner-up Prize are transferable or redeemable for cash and the Promoters are not liable for any defect, changes and/or modifications in any of the Prizes.
23. The Promoters reserve the right to verify the validity of all entries.
General Terms and Conditions
24. By being entered into this Competition, all Entrants agree to be bound by these Ts & Cs and any additional rules, regulations and requirements as set out in the promotional and marketing materials.
25. This Competition is subject to South African law and is not applicable outside South Africa.
26. Nothing reflected on any Kaizer Chiefs or Toyota website, shall be construed as conferring on the Entrant any right, title or license or other rights under intellectual property or other proprietary rights of any nature whatsoever in relation to Kaizer Chiefs or Toyota or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, whether by estoppels, implication or otherwise.
27. The Promoters’ decisions shall be final and binding in all matters relating to the Competition and the Grand Prize Draw and no correspondence will be entered into.
28. The Promoters reserve the right to change these Ts & Cs at any time and without prior notice. An Entrant shall be deemed to have received notice of any such amendments or interpretations upon publication of the same on the Kaizer Chiefs’ or Toyota website page and shall be deemed to have accepted such amendments or interpretations by virtue of their continued participation in the Competition.
29. Should an Entrant not wish to or to continue to participate in the Competition at any time they may terminate participation in the Competition upon submission of written notice to that effect sent to the Promotors on email address
30. The Promoters reserve the right to modify the Competition or disqualify any Entrant if fraud, misconduct or technical failures destroy the integrity of the Competition as determined by the Promoter, in its sole and absolute discretion.
31. The Promoters reserve the right, in their sole and absolute discretion, to cancel, terminate or suspend the Competition and select Prize winners from among all Qualifying Entries received prior to the cancellation.
32. The Promoters may, in their sole and absolute discretion, extend any time limit or waive any of the Ts & Cs where a Entrant might otherwise be disqualified.
33. The Promoters may, in their sole and absolute discretion, substitute any Prize with a replacement prize of similar value.
34. The Promoters shall not be held liable for any technical failures affecting participation and / or the Prize redemption process of the Competition. In addition, neither the Promoters nor their agents shall be responsible for any loss or misdirected entries, including entries that were not considered due to any failure of hardware, software, or other computer or technical systems affecting participating in and/or the Prize redemption process of the Competition.
35. The Promoters, their directors, employees, agents and distributors, shall not be held responsible for any misrepresentation (whether written or verbal) in respect of any Prize nor in respect of any warranties, guarantees or undertakings given by any person other than the Promoters themselves.
36. No liability shall attach to the Promoters in relation to any claims, losses or liabilities for any loss of profit or any other direct and/or indirect, special or consequential loss arising out of any of the Prizes. The Promoter is not liable for any defects in the Prizes. Ownership of and risk in, and benefit attaching to the Prizes will pass to the winner immediately upon delivery.
37. If the Promoters are required by law to alter or cancel any aspect of the Competition or to terminate it as a result of the application of current legislation or changes in legislation, or for any other reason whatsoever, they will have the right to terminate the Competition with immediate effect and without notice. In such event, all Entrants hereby waive any rights which they may have against the Promoters and their associated companies, directors, employees, agents, contractors and/or sponsors.
38. All Entrants and the Prize winners, as the case may be, indemnify the Promoters, their advertising agencies, advisers, nominated agents, suppliers and joint ventures identified by the trademarks owned by or licensed to Kaizer Chiefs and Toyota, their affiliates and/or associated companies against any and all claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of and/or from their participation in any way howsoever in this Competition including, as a result of any act or omission, whether as a result of negligence, misrepresentation, misconduct or otherwise on the part of the Promoters and/or use of the Prizes.
39. By participating in the Competition, Entrants grant Kaizer Chiefs and Toyota and their marketing agencies to make contact with them for the purposes of this Competition and for, future promotional and marketing activities.
40. The Promoters reserve the right, in perpetuity, to use across all and any forms of media and for any reasonable purposes whatsoever arising or attached to the Competition, any Entrant’s name, photograph, videos, statements or stories pursuant to their participation in the Competition, without their express written permission.
41. By participating in the Competition, an Entrant who does not wish to have their image and/or personal details distributed as provided for or envisaged in Point 40 should inform the Promoters by submission of written notice to that effect sent to the Promotors on email address
42. By participating in the Competition, an Entrant agrees that Kaizer Chiefs and Toyota and their respective affiliates (including the Promoters’ agencies, subsidiaries and joint ventures) may contact the Entrant via email and through social media platforms to deliver marketing communications regarding their respective products and promotional activities, provided that the Entrant is given the opportunity to opt-out of receiving such communications at any time via the appropriate opt-out mechanisms provided by the Promoters for such purpose.
43. The winner of the Grand Prize shall be required to participate in all reasonable media, marketing, promotional and like activities arising out of the winning of the Grand Prize as may be determined by the Promoters and shall furthermore be required to sign an intellectual property and image rights release form in favour of the Promoters in relation thereto which shall be valid in perpetuity.
44. The Competition is also subject to, and must be read in conjunction with, Kaizer Chiefs’ existing terms and conditions of use applicable to its website.
45. All queries in connection with this Competition should be directed to the Promoters on email address
46. A copy of the Competition rules is available at no cost to the Participants and can be downloaded in printable form from the website.