Soweto Derby Essential Public Safety and Security Information
Soweto Derby Essential Public Safety and Security Information

Posted in General on Mar 01, 2017.

Essential Public Safety and Security Information

The Premier Soccer League, its sponsors, the participating teams (Kaizer Chiefs FC, Orlando Pirates FC), the team sponsors, Stadium Management South Africa (“SMSA”) and sponsors of participating teams are committed to implementing international standard safety & security best practices at major events hosted by them.

In short, this spectacular/fun but safe and secure event is to be held at FNB Stadium on Saturday, 4 March 2017 with kick off at 3.30pm.

Please find set out below a summary of useful and essential public safety and security information which will enhance your spectator experience at the Stadium on Saturday.

Directors: J. Grobbelaar (CEO), G. Khangale, S. Mnukwa *, S. Mbatha, N. Moodley, M. Ferreira , B. Pollen (UK),R. Stephens * Non-Executive

Event Day Messaging

Avoid in-convenience - please arrive early & soak in the carnival atmosphere of this very special football derby event. Gates will open at 11.30am.

  • -  Almost 100 000 people will be in the NASREC precinct during the event – so please do not go to the Stadium without a ticket – a no ticket, no entry policy strictly applies.

  • -  Avoid traffic congestion and missing the start of the match – use the especially laid-on public transportation (Rea Vaya, Metrorail, KTK Shuttles, Top 6 & other taxi services) for the event;

  • -  Avoid frustration if you are travelling to the stadium in your car – you can pre-purchase parking tickets through Computicket & Shoprite/Checkers retail outlets.

  • -  The general public must please use official parking areas only. Do not park illegally or in un- official parking areas (such as Shareworld or the open areas east of Nasrec Road) or deal with un-accredited “car guards.” You do so at your own risk.

  • -  There will be road closures around the FNB Stadium precinct from the morning of the match. Members of the public who are not attending the match are advised to avoid the NASREC precinct.

  • -  Avoid frustration and missing the commencement of the match – leave yourself enough time to pass through the Stadium access control and search procedures and be seated by 14.00pm for the main feature match. There will be entertainment provided on event day, starting from 11.30am, with confirmations of performing artists and entertainment on the day set to be advised by Kaizer Chiefs on the week of the Soweto Derby.

    Applicable Safety and Security Policies at the Stadium include:

  • -  Right of admission reserved;

  • -  Illegally parked vehicles will be towed at owners risk;

  • -  Please note that you will be subjected to a search of your person & belongings at stadium spectator access points;

  • -  Commercial activities not authorized, in writing, by the Event Organisers, are not allowed inside the Stadium or within its precinct;

  • -  Know the applicable event ticket conditions, Stadium rules and list of prohibited & restricted items applicable to this event – go to terms-of-entry/ to familiarise yourself;

  • -  Such prohibited & restricted items include, but are not limited to: firearms, knives & any other dangerous weapon; any form of liquor; beverages; cool-boxes or similar; non-prescribed narcotics; glass or metal containers; any sharp pointed objects – including certain umbrellas; lasers; professional photographic/video equipment, prams, offensive posters, banners or flags; “ambush marketing” items & any other item which the event organizer, the SAPS, Stadium security & their duly authorized officials reasonably consider to be a danger or risk to the general safety and security of the event;

  • -  No babies in arms or children will be allowed unless parent is in possession of separate ticket for such child;

  • -  No persons visibly under the influence of liquor or any narcotic will be allowed access into the Stadium;

  • -  The lost children’s area is Lift Lobby U on the southern side of the venue next to Turnstile 16.

  • -  Intoxicated persons will be removed from the Stadium;

    Directors: J. Grobbelaar (CEO), G. Khangale, S. Mnukwa *, S. Mbatha, N. Moodley, M. Ferreira , B. Pollen (UK),R. Stephens * Non-Executive

  • -  There are different ticket prices for the different general spectator seating levels at the Stadium for this special event;

  • -  Please respect the rights of other fans who have paid more for their ticket; Please sit on your allocated level and do not attempt to sit on the more expensive levels at any time – particularly half-time. This will be policed;

  • -  For safety reasons, please do not sit in the spectator staircases and walkways in the grandstands; For your own personal safety - please do not stand on pathways, the front barrier walls of the lower grandstand areas;

  • -  Unauthorised access to the field of play and other accredited zones within and outside of the Stadium will result in arrest and prosecution, without exception.

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