Chiefs Village is geared towards the top - Vera Pauw
Chiefs Village is geared towards the top - Vera Pauw

Posted in News on Oct 31, 2014.

“This is what any player and coach needs,” Banyana Banyana coach Vera Pauw reacts when walking around Chiefs Village, Amakhosi’s headquarters in Naturena. “Everything here is about achieving maximum results in sport.”

“It’s functional and geared towards the top”, adds Pauw, who returned to South Africa with Banyana from the African Women’s Championship on Monday.

The national team just missed out on third position, which would have Banyana earn a spot for the 2015 Women’s World Cup in Canada.

The Dutch coach met at the Village with Chiefs Marketing Director Jessica Motaung and coach Stuart Baxter.

The Marketing Director’s PA Jennifer Peter always closely follows Banyana Banyana, being a huge fan: “Vera Pauw is an experienced coach. It’s a pity that the national women’s team failed to qualify for the World Cup, but Vera is here to help Banyana play world class football.”

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