Amakhosi aim to make Kwa - Zulu Natal streets safer
Amakhosi aim to make Kwa - Zulu Natal streets safer

Posted in News on Mar 10, 2007.

The Amakhosi took to the streets of Durban in an open top bus late Friday morning, conducting a road show around the busy CBD of the coastal city in order to draw attention to the Kwa – Zulu Natal Department of Transport new Pedestrian awareness campaign. The project also known as the Asiphephe campaign, aims to educate both drivers and pedestrians on various aspects surrounding pedestrian safety, and with Putco Mafani acting on behalf of the Kwa – Zulu Natal department of transportation carrying out the duties of MC. There was sure to be a lot of attention drawn to the Amakhosi as they meandered through down town Durban, with Mafani’s voice blaring out from speakers attached to the bus the town came to a standstill with fans crowding the side walks to take photographs of the players.

At one point during Chiefs journey around the town the bus ground to a halt and with hundreds of fans surrounding the bus, Mafani called up Kosta Papic who took over as Chiefs coach this past week from Ernst Middendorp.

As the Chiefs coach ascended a make shift podium on the upper deck, he was greeted by a huge roar from the fans who had at this point encircled the bus. After waving to the crowd The Amakhosi coach went back down to the lower deck on the bus once he caught his breath he commented, “you always get told that Chiefs have a lot of supporters in the country, today I got to see first hand just how much this team is loved. After such a reception one can only feel that good things will come out of the months ahead, the obvious thing for us to do is to ensure we begin this chapter of the season with a win against Celtic at the ABSA Stadium Saturday evening”.

After their sojourn through the busy streets of Durban the team got off the bus at the Gugu Dlamini Park at the edge of the CBD, where they were created by a large number of fans who were in attendance as the club and the Kwa – Zulu Natal Department of Transport officially launched the pedestrian awareness initiative. There were a number of artists on hand to entertain the crowd and there after it was time for Chiefs to take the stage, as The Amakhosi ascended the stage they were greeted by a deafening wall of sound. It took the master of ceremonies a while to get the crowd quiet as Chiefs captain Cyril Nzama took the microphone and addressed the crowd saying, “as pedestrians we share the roads with other users. It is important for us to take care of ourselves when walking along busy roads, stay on the side walks and what ever we do we should not try and cross over highways and major national roads as we are putting our lives as well as those driving the vehicles at risk. When we are travelling by foot or on a bicycle at night on roads that are poorly lit we should wear brightly coloured clothing, and travel facing on coming traffic”.

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